The Student Plan Status report is a list of advisees with Nominated Plans, Current Plans, or neither.

  • Plans are identified as one of the two types described below.
    • Nominated
      • When a student is satisfied with the courses chosen in the plan, the student nominates that plan to be her current plan
      • A nominated plan must be accepted by her four-year advisor (FYA)
      • Nominated plans cannot be changed; they may be withdrawn, copied, changed and re-submitted
    • Current
      • A nominated plan that has been accepted becomes the student’s current plan
      • A student may have 1 current plan
      • A current plan cannot be changed but can be copied by the student to create a new draft
  • The report includes:
    • Student Name (click on the name to view status information and a list of draft, nominated, and current plans for that student)
    • ID Number
    • Overall Plan Status (indicated by 4 colored icons which are described below)
    • Plan Name (to view the plan, click on the name of the plan (any time you see the plan name)
    • Nominated/Accepted Date
    • Summary (clicking this link shows a complete summary of a student’s plan in outline form)
    • Copy button (click on the “copy” button to make an editable copy of the plan)
    • Accept button (click the “accept” button to accept the nominated plan. An “accepted” plan becomes the student’s “current” plan. The student may have only one current plan)
  • There are several ways to email students from this report:
    • Send an email to any single person on the list by clicking the email hyperlink, or send an email to multiple people by clicking the checkboxes next to the email addresses and then clicking the appropriate hyperlink at the bottom of your advisee list.
    • Send Email to Advisees with a Nominated Plan
    • Send Email to Advisees with a Current Plan
    • Send Email to Advisees with no Nominated or Current Plan
    • Send Email to advisees whose checkboxes are checked

Both the student and advisor have advising duties to fulfill.

  • Student Responsibilities
    • Create plans that meet the Arts and Sciences curricular requirements for graduation
    • Consult with advisors to determine courses of study towards creating a sufficient plan
    • Edit the plan as academic goals or opportunities change
    • Nominate a draft plan
    • Work towards completion of accepted plan by completing selected courses successfully
    • Review the accepted plan with advisors to ensure completion of selected courses
    • Create and nominate new draft plans as goals change, preferably once a semester
  • Advisor Responsibilities
    • Consult with students to determine courses of study towards creating a sufficient plan
    • Review nominated plans with students
    • Advise the student on courses of study
    • Accept a nominated plan by clicking on the “Accept” button. An “accepted” plan becomes the student’s “current” plan. The student may have only one current plan.

A “plan” is a selection of components (courses, clusters, majors and minors) that might be completed to meet the Arts and Sciences curricular requirements. As courses are completed, the status of the components changes with the goal being to complete the entire plan, a requirement for graduation. The Arts & Sciences Curricular Planner displays the current status of each component using the following status indicators:

  • Insufficient (indicated visually by a rex X)
    • Each requirement for which components have not been selected is considered insufficient
  • Sufficient (indicated visually with an inverted yellow triangle)
    • Each requirement for which components have been selected is considered sufficient
  • Sufficient & In Progress (indicated visually with a blue square)
    • Each requirement for which components have been selected and are currently being taken is considered sufficient & in progress
  • Complete (indicated visually with a green circle)
    • Each requirement of a plan is complete when all the components and rules at that level and lower are complete. When all selected courses are successfully completed, the entire plan is considered complete.