The Registration Status report shows all current advisees and whether or not students have been completely authorized to register.
The report includes:
- Student ID Number
- Name (which is also a link. Clicking on the name takes you to the student’s academic record)
- Prime Division
- Level
- Semester of Entry
- Anticipated Degree Date (year of anticipated graduation)
- Advisor/ERA OK (this column displays two pieces of information separated by a hyphen. A Yes or No is displayed based on authorization status. The first Yes or No displayed indicates whether or not you, the current advisor, has authorized the student to register. The second Yes or No displayed indicates whether or not the student has been completely authorized to register by all advisors required by his/her division.
- Enrolled Units (the number of units for which the student has successfully registered)
- Waitlisted Units (the number of units for which the student is waitlisted)
- Enroll Info (the registration priority date and time assigned to the student)
- Email Checkbox (click the box if you want to send an email to a particular student)
- Email Address (this is a link. Clicking it will open up the WebFAC email tool)
- Intent to Graduate (displays Yes or No indicating whether or not the student has filed an intent to graduate for the next graduation cycle – May, August or December)
Note: For those of you fulfilling different advisor roles (four year advisor, undergraduate major advisor, minor advisor, graduate advisor), there is an option to sort and group the list of advisees by advisor type. The default sort for this report is alphabetical order. However, you may sort the report by advisor type. To do this, click on the green link at the top of the page (just next to the semester display) that says “Group by Advisor Type.”
Send an email to any single person on the list by clicking the email hyperlink, or send an email to multiple people by clicking the checkboxes next to the email addresses and then clicking the appropriate hyperlink at the bottom of your advisee list.