The Freshman Summer Program Attendance report includes advisees who did not attend either of the summer programs hosted by the College of Arts & Sciences. Students who attend the summer programs, matriculate with slightly greater understanding of Washington U. than those who do not. While participating in the summer programs, students also register for classes. Those who do not attend the summer programs register for classes in late August. In general, about 400-500 students (about half of any incoming A&S freshman class) participate in the summer programs.
The two summer programs include:
- ArtSci Summer Weekends
- Freshman Summer Academic Program
ArtSci Summer Weekends are designed to introduce entering freshmen to Washington University, academic life in the College of Arts & Sciences, and to prepare them for the upcoming fall semester. During the weekend students will receive a snapshort of the academic opportunities and resources available to them as Washington University students. ArtSci participants have the unique opportunity to register early for classes, meet their academic advisor, learn about the curriculum, and get to know other entering freshmen and current Wash. U. students. Other activities include sessions about what to expect as a Freshman, life in a residential college, late night fun, etc…
The Freshman Summer Academic Program (FSAP) gives first-year students admitted to Washington University an introduction to the undergraduate academic and social life at the University. The intensive five-week, academic program provides students the opportunity to register for fall courses early, earn college credits, make friends, become familiar with the campus and surrounding neighborhoods, and to meet key faculty and staff. While the majority of students who attend this program are in A&S, students from the other undergraduate schools may pariticpate as well.
The report includes:
- Student ID Number
- Name (which is also a link. Clicking on the name takes you to the student’s academic record)
- Email Checkbox (click the box if you want to send an email to a particular student)
- Email Address (this is a link. Clicking it will open up the WebFAC email tool)
Send an email to any single person on the list by clicking the email hyperlink, or send an email to multiple people by clicking the checkboxes next to the email addresses and then clicking the appropriate hyperlink at the bottom of your advisee list.