EGrades is a web application used by faculty and instructors, in most schools, to submit and approve mid-term and final grades. The electronic grade submission process, called EGrades, gives each instructor the ability to enter grades directly into an online roster or to import a file containing grade information. Grades entered and approved online immediately post to the students’ academic records in the university’s Student Information System (SIS) and display to students in WebSTAC (a web application for students to view and manage their academic information).
The EGrades Home page will list all course sections for which you have been designated in WUCRSL either as an instructor or as a Support Person with EGS (Electronic Grade Submission) ability, during an open grading period. Only the designated course “Grader” will be able to approve grades. If one or more of your courses or sections do not appear in EGrades, or if the Approval function does not appear for the correct instructor, contact your department administrator or dean’s office; course “links” and course “Grader” identifiers are established by these administrative areas using WUCRSL.
EGrades is a 2-step process:
Grade Changes
In October 2011, new functionality was added to the EGrades system. Instead of requiring instructors to fill out and submit all grade changes on paper special grade report forms, the majority of grade changes may now be made electronically using EGrades.
Valid Grade
If you are not sure what grade should be assigned for a student, use the Valid Grades Chart. It shows you the valid letter and pass/fail grades that can be used for students based on the division into which students are enrolled.
Grading Tips
- Grades do not need to be submitted for all students at the same time. You may Save and/or Approve grades for a portion of your class or for only one student at any point during the online grading period. You may return to enter and approve more grades at a later time. You will be asked to do this during midterms when submitting grades primarily freshmen and again in May for those students who are graduating (degree candidates.
Dean’s Office Contacts for Help with EGrades
If you have questions about school specific grading policies or to discuss individual student grading issues, contact your academic office.